5 products in this product line
  • 2.4 GHz Digital Receiver
    2.4 GHz Digital Receiver
    This system operates in ISM 2.4 GHz band and is ideal for guided tours, camcorders and wireless applications of sound systems. It provides an affordable price and professional quality for consumers.
    • ACT-24R
    Q'ty :
  • UHF Digital Tour Guide Receivers
    UHF Digital Tour Guide Receivers
    The MTG-100 Series operates in UHF universal ISM band with digital circuit design, featuring miniature, lightweight, easy-to-use, digital crystal-clear sound quality, secure and reliable transmission.
    • MTG-100R
    • MTG-100Ra
    Q'ty :
  • UHF Digital Tour Guide Transmitters
    UHF Digital Tour Guide Transmitters
    The MTG-100 Series operates in UHF universal ISM band with digital circuit design, featuring miniature, lightweight, easy-to-use, digital crystal-clear sound quality, secure and reliable transmission.
    • MTG-100T
    • MTG-100Ta
    Q'ty :
  • 2.4 GHz Digital Interlinking Transmitter
    2.4 GHz Digital Interlinking Transmitter
    The MT-24A is a 2.4 GHz digital interlinking transmitter that can pair with the ACT-24R receiver for wireless tour guide or interpretation system.
    • MT-24A
    Q'ty :
  • UHF Digital Interlinking Transmitter
    UHF Digital Interlinking Transmitter
    The MTS-100 digital stationary transmitter can connect with either dynamic or condenser wired microphones for language simultaneous interpretation applications.
    • MTS-100
    Q'ty :

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