March 06, 2020

MIPRO Electronics Is ISO 14001:2015 Certified

In response to the gradually demanding international environmental policy and requirements, MIPRO Electronics has taken steps to employ ISO 14001 environmental management system and obtains ISO 14001:2015 certification this year.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) can assure company management and employees as well as external stakeholders that environmental impact is being measured and improved of its products, services and processes. ISO 14001 helps an organization set up, improve, or maintain an environmental management system to conform with its established environmental policy and requirements, to minimize the impact on the environment. By completing ISO 14001:2015 certification the organization proves its environmental management system meets international industry specific environmental standards.

About ISO 14001:
The environmental issues come with economic development and the international communities pay attention to economic development and environmental protection simultaneously. The ISO 14000 family of standards are developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and provide requirements with guidance for use that relates to environmental systems. Other standards in the family focus on specific approaches such as audits, communications, labeling and life cycle analysis, as well as environmental challenges such as climate change. ISO 14001 is the most popular standard of the ISO 14000 family. ISO 14001 sets out the criteria for an environmental management system and can be certified. It maps out a framework that a company or organization can follow to set up an effective environmental management system.

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