MIPRO MM-59 Microphone Selected for Asia Beatbox Championship 2016

The Asian beatbox community is one of the fastest growing scenes in the world. In 2015, the organizers of TWBeatbox, Japan Beatbox Association (JBA), and Hong Kong Beatbox (HKB) decided to consolidate and form the Asia Beatbox Association and ultimately launch the Asia Beatbox Championship.
The Asia Beatbox Championship 2016 is the first international beatbox tournament in Asia and will be the biggest beatbox event in Asia. The championship will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, on August 20th, 2016. The fierce competition has attracted more than 180 groups/individuals from 18 Asian countries. Through elimination rounds it has16 groups/individuals remaining to compete in Taipei for the ultimate title.
Organizer "TWBEATBOX.com"s official press conference was held on July 23, and specified the use of MIPRO MM-59 Dynamic Microphone. The MC Beatbox master, Jimix, likes the sound of MM-59 for beat-boxing microphone because its frequency response has plenty of bass compare to other mics. In addition to the high sound pressure level it can handle.
MIPRO is a proud sponsor of this event. We see many young talented beat-boxers in Taiwan and like to help out and share the same enthusiasm for this rapidly growing art sport among the young adults here. Since we are in the microphone audio business, the microphone is integral part of this beat-boxing performance so it is naturally a good fit.
See you all on August 20th!